Building family coffee business with Mitchell Popadziuk – [CxT] Coffee Company


Mitchell Popadziuk managed to fall into a perfect team. He is the business mastermind, his brother Tristan brings the coffee passion, and their mother Kelly is the soul of sales and marketing. I am jealous! In a good way … 🙂

[CxT] is a very young but dynamically growing company which, despite to the fact that Mitch is a podcast listener, fell into the same trap that we at Green Plantation coffee did: underestimating their growth. They initially invested in a US Roaster Corp 5kg roaster which they outgrew very fast. Now they roast on a Loring Falcon.

Mitch and I also discussed their sales channels and I shared my experience selling on Amazon, Ebay and Spinn Marketplace.

This is the first episode where the guest asked me a question and boy, did I have fun with it! We talked a bit about the idea of electric heating elements in drum roasters and also about use of influencers and Tik Tok for coffee sales.


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In the podcast we gave a shout out to this whipped coffee video by Devorah Freudiger. Here it is. Enjoy!


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