#30 How to do a Successful Kickstarter Campaign

Daniel Vitiello is behind Handground the revolutionary hand coffee grinder. The guys got funded via Kickstarter. Their initial goal was $35 000 but at the end they they raised over $300 000.
How did they do it? I asked myself in this “golden” episode.
The mentioned resources:
How to Gather 100,000 Emails in One Week (Includes Successful Templates, Code, Everything You Need) – the Harry’s campaign
Stonmaier Games Kickstarter How To
FoxTrot Games Blog
Games Without Strings
Awesome, data driven articles from Handground to us coffee biz owners:
Is Your Customer Loyalty Program Actually Creating Loyalty?
27 Tips For Coffee Roasters To Earn More Business From Coffee Shops
6 Coffee Shop Marketing Strategies That Cost Less Than $100 A Month
Coffee Grinder
Kickstarter Campaign