Coffeeis.ME Podcast – What is this Podcast About

What is and why would you benefit from listening to it? This episode #0 will explain all that, plus introduces the host Valerian...

Listener Q&A with Daniel Smith from First Fruits Specialty Coffee

You asked Daniel about coffee roast profiles, roasting management, business tips and much more. Do you feel like asking a question? Join our Facebook...

From a humble coffee trailer to five coffee shops with Sameer Shah – Voyager...

0 In this episode, Sameer takes us back to the origins of Voyager Coffee, a concept born out of a desire to revitalize their city,...

Starting a Successful Cafe with Gwilym Davies

What is the next logical step after a coffee cart? More coffee carts? In this episode, Gwilym Davies will talk about synergy, starting a...

I want to be a professional coffee taster…

In this episode, we interview Rick Appleton (Boston) and Abdulrahman Qurban (Saudi Arabia), students attending the SCA Sensory class at Boot Coffee Campus. What...

#34 The Future of Coffee Roasting

Podcast about the future of coffee roasting business. Are co-roasting facilities the future? There are multiple benefits which are very attractive to the new...

How to Start a Trendy Coffee Cart with Gwilym Davies

In this episode I will interview Gwilym Davies, who changed the coffee scene in London, won the 2009 World barista Championship, and, despite the...

How to Open a Cafe #2

In this episode we continue our journey of starting a cafe. We are going to talk about your baristas and how can you make...

Buying Coffee Brands with Tim Volkema – Schuil Coffee & Sparrows Coffee

I first met Tim and his daughter Frankie at one of Boot Coffee's Q Grader classes. As a proud father myself I admired that...

Sensory battle of the two most sensible worlds: Wine vs. coffee tasting and industry.

In this episode, we will explore the world of wine with Eric Danch. We focus on tasting and sensory comparison between wine and coffee, but...